Sean Mark Sullivan
The City Attorney's Office is committed to providing the highest quality legal services to the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, San Francisco Unified School District and the 94 departments, boards, commissions and offices of the City and County of San Francisco.
Our responsibilities include:
* Representing the City and County in legal proceedings
* Providing advice or written opinions to any officer, department head, board, commission or other unit of local government
* Making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for or against the settlement or dismissal of legal proceedings
* Approving as to form all surety bonds, contracts and ordinances
* Examining and approving title to all real property to be acquired by the City and County
* Preparing reviews annually and making available to the public a codification of ordinances of the City and County
* Investigating, evaluating and recommending disposition of all claims made against the City and County
Sean M Sullivan
Office of the City Attorney
City and County of San Francisco
1390 Market St - 7th Floor
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel: 415 554-4298
