Sanford Svetcov
* Securities Fraud
* Corporate Governance
* Shareholder Derivative Litigation
* Options Backdating Litigation
* Corporate Takeover Litigation
* Insurance
* Antitrust
* Consumer Fraud
* Human Rights, Labor Practices and Public Policy
* Environment and Public Health
* The Fight Against Big Tobacco
* Intellectual Property
* Pro Bono

Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP ("Coughlin Stoia") is a 190-lawyer law firm with offices in San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Boca Raton, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and Atlanta. Coughlin Stoia is actively engaged in complex litigation, emphasizing securities, consumer, insurance, healthcare, human rights, employment discrimination and antitrust class actions. Coughlin Stoia's unparalleled experience and capabilities in these fields are based upon the talents of its attorneys who have successfully prosecuted thousands of class-action lawsuits.

This successful track record stems from our experienced attorneys, including many who left partnerships at other firms or came to Coughlin Stoia from federal, state and local law enforcement and regulatory agencies, including dozens of former prosecutors and SEC attorneys. Coughlin Stoia also includes more than 25 former federal and state judicial clerks.

Coughlin Stoia currently represents more institutional investors, including public and multi-employer pension funds - domestic and international financial institutions - in securities and corporate litigation than any other firm in the United States.

Sanford Svetcov
Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP
100 Pine St #2600
San Francisco CA 94111
Tel: 415 288-4545
Fax: 415 288-4532
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