Sandra Ilene Blair
Sandra Blair has been a practicing attorney since 1973 and a Certified Family Law Specialist since 1981. She is the current chair of Collaborative Practice San Francisco. She is an active Collaborative Practice attorney, mediator and private Judge and she continues to litigate for clients in select cases in Bay Area counties. Sandra serves as a Temporary Judge for the San Francisco and Marin County Superior Courts. She is the Editorial Consultant for California Marital Settlement and other Family Law Agreements and the author of "Developing the Case and Negotiating the Agreement" and "General Property Rights and Obligations of Domestic Partners," all published by Continuing Education of the Bar in 2005. She serves as the Chair of the Attorney Fee Disputes Committee of the Bar Association of San Francisco. Sandra graduated from Hastings College of Law in 1973, earned her M.A. from University of Wisconsin in 1969 and her B.A. from University of California, Berkeley in 1967. Sandra is committed to keeping clients out of court and at the negotiating table in order to reach beneficial resolutions.
Sandra I Blair
455 Market St - 19th Floor
San Francisco CA 94105
Tel: 415 495-2040
Fax: 415 882-3232
