Samantha Bley DeJean
Our firm offers the full range of family law services including but not limited to negotiating, litigating and otherwise resolving disputed marital dissolutions and same-sex partnership subjects such as:
* Complex financial tracings
* Marital standard of living analyses for the purpose of establishing
spousal support
* Valuation of closely held businesses
* Separate property tracings
* Custody disputes, including custody issues arising in same-sex partnerships
* Review and preparation of prenuptial agreements
* Review and preparation of post-nuptial agreements
* Litigating the validity of pre and post-nuptial agreements.
With a combined 75 years of legal experience, the Bley and Bley team can handle all aspects of complex marital dissolutions with the professionalism, integrity and attention to detail such matters demand and require.
The attorneys at Bley and Bley are characterized by an aggressive, can-do, client-oriented attitude designed to ensure prompt and efficient legal services of the highest quality. Although we excel in the courtroom, our goal is to help achieve a resolution short of litigation. In the event litigation is necessary, our attorneys each have the skill and experience necessary to ensure the best possible results. We ensure that our clients always feel that their concerns are understood while at the same time providing the highest caliber of legal advice and guidance family disputes require.
Samantha B DeJean
Bley & Bley
555 Montgomery St #605
San Francisco CA 94111
Tel: 415 982-7311
Fax: 415 982-7278
