Pamela R Canter
Family Law
* Collaborative Practice
* Mediation
* Litigation
* Consulting Counsel (for mediation cases)
* Custody and Visitation
* Support
* Pre and Post Marital Agreements
* Estate Planning
The attorneys at Canter-Moorhead practice Family Law and Estate Planning. We specialize in Dissolution of Marriage, Dissolution of Domestic Partnership, Child Custody, Child Support, and both Pre and Post Marital Agreements. We also provide Estate Planning services, including Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Care Directives, for our clients.
Pamela R Canter
Canter-Moorhead Family Law
155 Bovet Rd #480
San Mateo CA 94402-3136
Tel: 650 227-0700
Fax: 650 227-0690