Jordan Payman Rose
* Advertising, Marketing & Media
* Antitrust
* Appellate
* Banking & Specialty Finance
* Bankruptcy & Financial Restructuring
* Climate Change
* Consumer Product Safety
* Corporate & Finance
* Corporate Investigations & White Collar Defense
* Distressed Asset
* Employment & Labor
* Energy, Environment & Natural Resources
* Entertainment
* Family Wealth Transfer Planning & Trust and Estate Administration
* Financial Services
* Government & Regulatory
* Healthcare Industry
* Hospitality
* Insurance
* Infrastructure
* Intellectual Property
* International Trade & Policy
* Latin America Practice
* Litigation
* Mergers & Acquisitions
* Not-for-Profit Organizations
* Real Estate & Land Use
* Sports Law
* Tax, Employee Benefits & Global Compensation
* Unfair Competition Litigation
* Venture Capital & Emerging Companies

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, is known for quality, for extraordinary commitment to clients, for integrated, relationship-based services, and for a range of specialized capabilities typically found only in boutique firms. We are progressive and entrepreneurial compared to other major firms; and we are deeply committed to diversity, to public service, to involvement in the communities we serve and to excellence in all we do.

We are proud to represent a sophisticated client base in a range of industries including healthcare, financial services, entertainment, media and advertising, real estate, technology, energy and natural resources, consumer goods and services and transportation.

Our service areas include advertising; antitrust; banking; bankruptcy and financial restructuring; corporate finance and securities; environmental; government and regulatory; healthcare; insurance; intellectual property, including patent, trademark and copyright; internet and e-commerce; labor and employment; litigation and trial; mergers and acquisitions; motion picture and television; music; real estate and land use; tax, benefits and compensation; and venture capital. We provide sophisticated technical expertise and service capabilities at the very highest levels, supplemented by the industry know-how necessary to achieve our clients' business objectives.

Our strong presence in America's most important business markets enables us to address and exceed client expectations. Our largest offices are strategically located in Los Angeles, New York City, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Orange County and Washington, D.C. Our offices in Sacramento and Albany – the capitals of California and New York – provide connections to government decision makers and to solutions that are unavailable from our competitors. Our access, influence and reach are enhanced by our subsidiary, Manatt Jones Global Strategies, LLC, which develops and implements programs to expand client businesses and promote effective competition on a global basis.

With powerful national litigation capabilities, exceptional transactional experience and influential government and regulatory resources, our objective is to provide unparalleled legal, strategic and business advice. We deliver on that objective for our clients every day.

* Our professionals are leaders - they have served in senior positions, including Chairman and CEO, American Stock Exchange; United States Ambassador to Mexico; United States Ambassador to the Dominican Republic; White House Chief of Staff; Chairman, Democratic National Committee; Member, United States House of Representatives; Minority Leader, New York State Assembly; Counsel to the President of the United States; Solicitor General, State of New York; Member, District of Columbia City Council; Chair, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce; Executive Director, Chair, University of Southern California Law Center Financial Services Institute; Executive Director, State Bar of California; Executive Director, Public Counsel Law Center; President, California Bankers Association; and Chair, Los Angeles Charter Reform Commission.

* Our professionals are accomplished - having served as judicial clerks in many Federal District Courts, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, United States Bankruptcy Courts and state trial and appellate courts; teaching at major institutions, including Harvard, UCLA, Columbia, USC, NYU, Georgetown, Loyola and Fordham; participating in prestigious professional organizations such as the American College of Trial Lawyers, the International Association of Trial Lawyers, the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, the American Law Institute and the American Bar Association.

* Our professionals understand the intersection of business and government - as alumni of numerous federal and state agencies, including the United States Department of Justice; the Internal Revenue Service; the United States State Department; the United States Department of the Interior; the Federal Trade Commission; the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; the New York State Department of Insurance; the Office of the California Attorney General, and many other regulatory and administrative bodies.

* Our professionals are recognized - Manatt partners have regularly appeared in such lists as "The Best Lawyers in America"; "Most Influential Lawyers in Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and New Media"; "Most Influential Women in Real Estate"; and "The Top 25 Legal Stars in California."

* Our professionals are interesting - they come from large cities and small towns, from around the country and around the world; they have studied as Rhodes Scholars, played in jazz clubs, written books, served in the armed forces, built businesses and played high-level sports. We employ both legal acumen and real-world experience in service to our clients.

As we look for new opportunities to serve, we continue to enhance long-term relationships of trust with our clients. That sense of partnership, coupled with a superior record of success, is responsible for Manatt's reputation for excellence, and identity as the firm where professionals perform, not merely practice.

Jordan P Rose
Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP
1 Embarcadero Center - 30th Floor
San Francisco CA 94111
Tel: 415 291-7400
Fax: 415 291-7474
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