John Timothy Philipsborn
Criminal Defense Lawyer, International Human Rights Work
* Criminal Defense
* Appellate
* Human Rights
Our firm is involved in the defense of criminal cases at trial and on appeal. We work on cases involving the death penalty, murder charges, and other serious offenses including certain types of white collar matters. We handle a wide range of post conviction work in California as well as in other parts of the United States. We work on only a few cases at a time, and try to provide all of our clients with the level of service and high quality of work that we have become known for.
This firm has been involved in the defense of a number of well known cases, and has had the privilege of helping to represent California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, the largest statewide organization of criminal defense lawyers in the U.S, as an amicus curiae in cases resulting in a number of significant reviewing court decisions.
Our firm's work is acknowledged in more than 50 published court opinions. Our published work includes a number of materials, book chapters and articles that are consulted by criminal defense lawyers. We have assisted in the training of defense lawyers around the state of California, as well as elsewhere in the United States.We are also involved in international human rights work, including the training of persons working in the legal systems of developing countries.
Our firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas: Criminal Defense, Appellate, Human Rights.
Law Offices of John T Philipsborn
Civic Center Bldg
507 Polk St #350
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel: 415 771-3801
Fax: 415 771-3218
