Cheryl Anne Sena
Certified Family Law Specialist & Expert Mediator
Quite simply, there is no substitute for experience. Family Law Specialist Cheryl Sena has been practicing in San Francisco for over 20 years as a certified mediator and collaborative lawyer.
An extensive lecturer in family law, Sena has also become one of the nation's foremost legal authorities on the rights of unmarried couples and the issue of same sex marriage.
In addition to her many honors and recognitions, Sena received the 2005, 2008 & 2009 "Northern California Super Lawyer Award". With continuing attention focused on same sex marriage, Sena has become a regular TV and radio guest, and a respected resource for clients, the media and the public at large on this issue of growing importance.
Her special areas of expertise include:
* Family law and litigation
* Complex marital property issues
* Domestic Partnership disputes
* Collaborative Law
Sena Family Law APC
1390 Market St #818
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel: 415 863-5300
Fax: 415 863-8596
