Charles Marriott Kagay
Recognized leaders in antitrust, other complex litigation, and appellate matters
* Pursuing or Opposing Appeals
* Legal Research
* Liability Consultation
* Settlement Advice
* Case Evaluation
* Litigation Consultation
* Litigation Management
* White Collar Defense
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
Specializing in antitrust litigation, Spiegel Liao & Kagay has been at the forefront of important developments in administrative law and antitrust and trade regulation law.
SPIEGEL LIAO & KAGAY IS A SMALL BUT NATIONALLY PROMINENT LAW FIRM based in San Francisco. The firm consults with and represents a wide variety of clients concerning a full range of appellate matters, antitrust and unfair business practice litigation, class actions, administrative law, and complex litigation. Spiegel Liao & Kagay offers its clients specialized, high-level expertise while avoiding the inefficiency inherent in larger full-service law firms. The firm represents large and small clients from a wide range of industries. However, SLK does not try to be all things to all clients. It does not purport to be an all-purpose legal mill. The firm can offer an array of services for which it is an acknowledged leader while keeping cost strictly under control.
SUCCESSFUL COMPLEX LITIGATION AND APPELLATE WORK STEMS FROM DOING MANY THINGS RIGHT. The law firm of Spiegel Liao & Kagay has the expertise and experience to offer the advice and oversight you need to ensure that you are receiving top-flight legal advice, without excessive billing. It will ensure that no key areas are overlooked, while corralling the runaway costs of legal work.
INVOLVEMENT IN YOUR LEGAL MATTERS CAN BE AS EXTENSIVE AS YOU WISH-- from drafting a simple memorandum on a particular issue, to serving as consultants, to acting as lead counsel. If you, your company or your client is facing complex legal issues, if you are already in litigation, or if the matter has progressed to the appellate level, Spiegel Liao & Kagay's involvement can ensure that you are getting the best legal work for your money. If you need to engage advisory or lead counsel, Spiegel Liao & Kagay's expertise will give you first-rate representation without the usual high costs.
Charles M Kagay
Spiegel Liao & Kagay LLP
388 Market St #900
San Francisco CA 94111-5311
Tel: 415 956-5959
Fax: 415 362-1431
